Lessons OpenSCAD Lesson 1 Setup: What, Why, and How (to Install)? Primitives: Hello Cube Setup: Recommended Set Up for BVI Programmers Primitives: Basic 3D Shapes Coding Fundamentals: Debugging and Fixing Syntax Errors Lesson 2 Transformations: Using Import, Scale and Size Commands in OpenSCAD Transformations: Moving Shapes with Translate Transformations: Rotating Shapes with the Rotate Command Boolean Operations: Difference Boolean Operations: Unions Coding Fundamentals: Variables and Parametric Programming Primitives: Creating Custom Primitives with Modules Lesson 3 2D Design: Working with Primitives, Booleans, and Transformations Coding Fundamentals: For Loops in OpenSCAD 2D Design: the Text Primitive Extrusions: 2D to 3D Design in OpenSCAD Using Linear Extrusions Extrusions: Rotational Extrusions 2D Design: the Polygon Primitive Bonus Libraries: External Libraries in OpenSCAD Boolean Operations: Combining Shapes with Intersections Transformations: Using the Mirror Function Fabrication Lab 3D Printing Introduction to 3D Printing Prusa Mini+ Orientation Prusa Slicer Setup Thingiverse Prusa Slicer Advanced Use (CLI) Prusa Slicer Basic Use (GUI) 3D Design Resources for BVI Makers Laser Cutting 2D Design Resources for BVI Makers Safety Accessing the Glowforge App Command Line Shell Intro Advanced File and Folder Operations Copying, Moving, Creating and Removing Files and Folders Getting Started on the Right Path