
Learning Objectives

This lesson is more of a bank of resources for designing or acquiring designs for 3D printing. There are a lot of ideas here and they will be updated as we learn of and develop more accessible resources. If you want a more of a how to we would recommend checking out the other lessons under the 3D printing heading on the lessons page

Online 3D Model Repositories

3D Model Generation

2D to 3D design (SVG to STL Conversion)

3D Scanning and Model Repair

Designing Models

Screen Reader Friendly

NOT Screen Reader Friendly

Visual (Not Screen Reader Compatible)

Non Visual (Screen Reader Compatible))

These options are highly technical but accessible to screen reader users. SVG draw is a java application developed by Professor Dick Baldwin, there are help documents included in the zip file. OpenSCAD is a 2d and 3d design program that is coding (text) based.

3D Printing and Modeling Support


In this lesson you learned:

  • Visual and non-visually accessible software resources for vector design
  • Visual software resources for graphic design
  • Graphic and Vector pre-made design web site repositories and generators.