
Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

  • Understand and implement basic safety practices while using laser cutters
  • Identify and deal with potential hazards associated with laser cutters
  • Know how to act in case of emergencies or malfunctions

General Safety

When using tools and equipment, such as a laser cutter, safety should always be your priority. Avoid using the equipment when tired, distracted, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If a tool is damaged or missing parts, notify LRC staff immediately and never force the equipment. Lastly, ensure equipment is safely off, materials are properly stored, and personal accounts are logged out before leaving.

Workspace Etiquette

Maintain a clean and obstacle-free workspace. If equipment breaks or gets damaged while you’re using it, inform the LRC staff. Always return tools and equipment after use and ensure your work area is clean for the next user.

Laser Cutter Specific Safety

Students must always have adult supervision when using the laser cutter. Do not touch the head or arm of the Glowforge unit while the power is on. If accidentally touched, turn it off, then back on again to prevent potential damage.

Fire and Electrical Safety

The laser cutter generates extremely high temperatures that can ignite the material inside, potentially causing a fire. To avoid this, only use laser-compatible materials, clean out leftover bits when they build up, and never leave the laser cutter unattended. If the laser cutter is damaged or experiences an emergency, unplug the power cord and contact LRC staff immediately.

Smoke and Fume Safety

During operation, the laser cutter creates visible and invisible aerosols, gases, and fumes. To mitigate this, ensure the external fan is on, the filter box is closed securely, and the fan is at full speed. If anything seems out of order, pause the machine and notify LRC staff.

Material Safety

Only use laser-compatible materials in the Glowforge unit. The school recommends using Proofgrade materials for safety and quality results. Any materials that are put into the laser cutter must be either Proofgrade or approved by LRC staff. Failure to comply with this rule may result in permanent loss of laser cutter use.


In this lesson you learned:

  • Basic safety and workspace etiquette practices for using a laser cutter
  • Specific safety measures related to laser cutters, fire and electrical safety, smoke and fume safety, and material safety
  • How to act in case of emergencies or malfunctions
