Accessible STEM Programming and STEM Lessons


Welcome to accessible STEM. This website contains accessible resources targeted towards blind and visually impaired (BVI) students (but also beneficial to any student) who are learning computer science and other STEM topics. There are not a whole lot of pictures on this webpage, but there is a lot of accessible text and information, enjoy!

As of the sites last update, 05-14-2024, this site mostly contains resources related to OpenSCAD programming, 3D printing with a Prusa Mini+ 3D printer, and laser cutting using a Glowforge laser cutter, and assumes a working knowledge of computer navigation either with a screen reader, visually, or some combination of the two (see pre-requisite knowledge heading below). That said, be sure to check back frequently and make sure to pay attention to the last updated dates at the bottom of articles (especially the ones about setup and installation) as sometimes processes may change and be out of date. Typically instructions will remain (mostly) the same and we will try to update them regularly. As we grow we hope to become a hub of knowledge and resources for both BVI and sighted students everywhere.

Website Layout

This web page is organized into three sub pages: About, Lessons, and Projects. You are on the About page. In Lessons you will find lessons organized by topic and sub topic, they will be mostly in tutorial format and will all end with a “Resources” section where you can download relevant files and visit relevant links. At the top and bottom of each lesson is a next and previous link. In Projects you will find a list of projects and exercises organized by topic, most of these redirect to or download a file from Github.

  1. Fabrication Lab: 3D Printing
  2. Fabrication Lab: Laser Cutting
  3. OpenSCAD Lessons
    • [Lesson 1]
    • [Project 1]
    • [Lesson 2]
    • [Project 2]
  4. OpenSCAD Lessons
    • [Lesson 3]
    • [Project 1]
    • [Lesson 4]
    • [Project 2]

Helpful Pre-Requisite Knowledge

Technological Pre-Reqs

All skills to be completed with a laptop, unless otherwise noted.

  • keyboarding 20 WPM all characters and symbols
  • basic Windows OS navigation (launching programs, file explorer navigation, window/settings navigation, keyboard shortcuts)
  • intermediate internet navigation skills
    • search
    • download
    • navigate known and unknown sites with minimal prompting
  • email proficiency
  • word processing proficiency
  • text editing familiarity

Mathematical Pre-Reqs Helpful for OpenSCAD

  • knowledge of basic algebra and geometry
    • basic grid system (X Y Z Cartesian Coordinate system)
    • names and conceptualization of different shapes in 2D and 3D
    • basic measurement skills and concept of scale and proportion
    • basic arithmetic and computation

  • Mainly using JAWS/NVDA and Windows for auditory users and Windows and the builtin Windows Magnifier for LV users, that said most information should be extendable to other operating systems and screen readers.
  • Recommended HW set up and learning tools

Contact Me

E-Mail: Contact me!
Github: @funkonaut